ESX4.0 PXE installation for new Intel igb driver
[What’s the issue?]
Cisco C200 M1 has new Gigabit Ethernet Controller (82575 / 82576) which is not native supported by ESX4.0 and ESX4.0 Update1.
Cisco suggests to add the specific driver when using CD installation in the following link:
However, we want to get ESX4 installation automatically in Cisco C200 using PXE instead of use two CDs for a large scale build.
But once we boot from the initrd.img from the ISO in PXE, we got the error message “Cannot find the network driver”.
[What’s the root cause?]
The problem is we need to add custom driver to initrd.img to boot up this specific Ethernet controller.
James and I did a lot of testing and also no similar solution is found in Google.
We extract the ISO package from the link and get the rpm package, then extract the rpm package and get the driver igb.o
VMware did a lot of change in initrd and it is very different from the one in normal Linux version, like ct44, ct53.
We extract original initrd.img adding the new driver in, and also follow James’ guide to update to include the driver.
Package the new directory to a new initrd.img file, boot from it and still get “Cannot find the network driver” error message.
Later today, Eric help us to troubleshoot this issue and found is actually rebuilt after booting up and the content is coming from igb.xml.
We got the igb.xml from the ISO file and find a new path in initrd: usr/share/hwdata/pciids/igb.xml , update it and then make a new initrd file.
Successfully boot from this initrd and loaded PXE kickstart file.
[What’s the solution?]
To resolve the issue, please check the command history in the attachment.
Also, we need to update ISO package in PXE to include the latest rpm package and packages.xml.
Because the issue of PXE boot is only for installation, after installation, if we want to get network connection, we still need to do the following steps:
1.) Insert vmware-esx-drivers-net-igb-400. to VMware/RPMS/
2.) Update VMware/RPMS/packageData.pkl, change the new igb driver’s string
3.) Update packages.xml in root directory and change the new igb driver’s string
All done, now you have ESX4 silent installation and network connection after install.
Conclusion: VMware did a lot of changes in boot initrd (77M, compares with 6.4M of ct53-64) and results difficult to add specific driver. It is also very helpful to grep specific info in log directory:
E.g. weasel.log:2010-03-30 02:36:53,832 DEBUG Rebuilding file
Command history of build a new initrd file:
1026 mkdir C200-ESX4
1027 mv vmware-esx-drivers-net-igb-400. C200-ESX4/
1028 ls
1029 cd C200-ESX4/
1030 pwd
1031 ls
1032 cp /ks/iso/64/esx4/iso/isolinux/initrd.img ./
1033 pwd
1034 ls
1035 ll initrd.img
1036 ll vmware-esx-drivers-net-igb-400.
1037 mkdir driveriso
1038 mkdir initrd
1039 ls
1040 mv initrd.img initrd
1041 mv vmware-esx-drivers-net-igb-400. driveriso/
1042 ls
1043 cd driveriso/
1044 ls
1045 rpm2cpio vmware-esx-drivers-net-igb-400. |cpio -div
1046 cd ../initrd/
1047 ls
1048 file initrd.img
1049 mv initrd.img initrd.img.gz
1050 gunzip initrd.img
1051 cpio -ivmd <initrd.img
1052 gzip initrd.img; mv initrd.img.gz initrd.img
1053 ls
1054 mv initrd.img ../
1055 ls
1056 cp ../driveriso/usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/igb.o usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/igb.o
1057 cp ../driveriso/etc/vmware/pciid/igb.xml usr/share/hwdata/pciids/igb.xml
1058 ll usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/igb.o
1059 ll usr/share/hwdata/pciids/igb.xml
1060 ls
1061 du -sh .
1062 find .|cpio -c -o >../initrd_c200.img
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