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[ese]I don't want her as a running buddy



by tangke <[email protected]> 2009-06-23

buddy 密友,伙伴
suburbs 郊外的
are tons of 大量的
I never get bored 我从来没有觉得无聊。
and it turns out 原来
hurt knee 受伤的膝盖
OK FitSugar users, this fellow reader needs your advice with a sticky exercise situation.

Dear Fit,
I recently moved from the city to a new house in the suburbs, and was excited to run in my calm, safe neighborhood. There are tons of quiet streets, hills, and even woodsy trails, so I never get bored. I made friends with someone on my street, and it turns out, she likes to run too. We made plans to run last weekend together, and it was fun having a partner to chat with, but I realized I prefer running by myself. Not only does it give me some much needed time to think and be alone, but my new friend and I are on different fitness levels. She has a hurt knee, so she takes it easy, runs slower and for less time, and can't do hills. At the end of our run, I was annoyed that we hardly broke a sweat, but she was really excited and said we should run together all the time. I really like having her as a friend, but not as a running buddy. How can I say no without hurting her feelings?
—Running Solo

Can you help a fellow FitSugar reader out? What advice would you give her?

compromise 妥协
workout 练习
valid reson 正当理由
selfish 自私的
some sort of 某种
white lie 无恶意的谎言
I would not compromise my workout. You have a valid reason for wanting to run on your own, it doesn't sound like a selfish thing to do. Just be completely honest. A friend worth having would understand. Telling some sort of a white lie and being found out would be worse since it would give her a valid reason to be upset.


